RFID chip implementation in India soon

 RFID chip implementation in India 

A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. 
This type of subdermal implant usually contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, law enforcement, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact


The first experiments with an RFID implant were carried out in 1998 by the British scientist (Adam Walker) . His implant was used to open doors, switch on lights, and cause verbal output within a building. After nine days the implant was removed and has since been held in the Science Museum (London).[citation needed]
On 16 March 2009 British scientist Mark Gasson had a glass capsule RFID device surgically implanted into his left hand. In April 2010 Gasson's team demonstrated how a computer virus could wirelessly infect his implant and then be transmitted on to other systems.[13] Gasson reasoned that with implanted technology the separation between man and machine can become theoretical because the technology can be perceived by the human as being a part of their body. Because of this development in our understanding of what constitutes our body and its boundaries he became credited as being the first human infected by a computer virus. He has no plans to remove his implant.[14]
An RFID tag visible under the skin soon after being implanted.
Several hobbyists have placed RFID microchip implants into their hands or had them inserted by others.

Alejandro Hernandez CEO of Futura is known to be the first in Central America to have Dangerous Things' transponder installed in his left hand by Federico Cortes in November 2017.

Mikey Sklar had a chip implanted into his left hand and filmed the procedure.[15]

Jonathan Oxer self-implanted an RFID chip in his arm using a veterinary implantation tool.[16]

Martijn Wismeijer, Dutch marketing manager for Bitcoin ATM manufacturer General Bytes, placed RFID chips in both of his hands to store his Bitcoin private keys and business card.[17]

Patric Lanhed sent a “bio-payment” of one euro worth of Bitcoin using a chip embedded in his hand. [18]

Marcel Varallo had an NXP chip coated in Bioglass 8625 inserted into his hand between his forefinger and thumb allowing him to open secure elevators and doors at work, print from secure printers, unlock his mobile phone and home, and store his digital business card for transfer to mobile phones enabled for NFC. [19]

Biohacker Hannes Sjöblad has been experimenting with NFC (Near Field Communication) chip implants since 2015. During his talk at Echappée Voléé 2016 in Paris, Sjöblad disclosed that he has also implanted himself between his forefinger and thumb and uses it to unlock doors, make payments, and unlock his phone (essentially replacing anything you can put in your pockets).[20] Additionally, Sjöblad has hosted several "implant parties," where interested individuals can also be implanted with the chip.[21]

How do you know if your body has an RFID chip?
The best way to check for an implant would be to have an X-ray performed. RFID transponders have metal antennas that would show up in an X-ray. You could also look for a scar on the skin. Because the needle used to inject the transponder under the skin would be quite large, it would leave a small but noticeable scar

In which states are mandatory chip implants currently illegal?
As of the start of this year, several U.S. states, including California, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Wisconsin, have prohibited the mandatory implantation of a chip.Mar 15, 2018

How much does it cost to microchip a human?
Implantation costs $150 to $200
For humans, the chip implantation cost would be $150 to $200, said Angela Fulcher, an Applied Digital spokeswoman.

Can you put a tracking chip in a human?
Implanted devices have been used in farm animals for a while, and RFID chips with GPS capacity are commonly implanted in personal pets for tracking purposes. ... The question is how, once such the implants become widely accepted and used, such devices will evolve in their capacity and application

Is it legal to chip your child?
As Mr. Morris explained, it is not currently possible to microchip kids as if they were puppies. ... To implant a GPS tracker in a child, you'd not only have to insert a chip under their skin, but a bulky cellular receiver and battery, too.

Can microchips be removed from humans?
A big problem is locating the microchip, which typically cannot be felt under the skin. ... The implantable microchip can be removed from the body – but it's not like removing a splinter. This image is from a French documentary showing a VeriChip being surgically removed from the arm of a journalist.

Who invented the RFID chip?
Charles Walton
Charles Walton (inventor) Charles Walton (1921 – November 6, 2011) is best known as the first patent holder for the RFID (radio frequency identification) device.

Are microchips dangerous?
Health Risks. Consumers are repeatedly told that microchip implants are safe. So safe, in fact, that pharmaceutical giant Merial says scientific studies show that microchip implants are totally painless, perfectly well tolerated by the animal and that there is no risk of itchiness, allergic reactions or abscesses

Is it legal to GPS track your child?
It's generally legal to use a GPS tracking device if:
You own the asset that might be taken without your permission. Your children (under 18) are the focus of the tracking.

How do I block RFID chip signal?
Thankfully, RFID signals are not hard to block. Wrap the object containing an RFID chip in aluminum foil. This blocks the signals from reaching it. If you are worried about people covertly reading ID information, line your wallet with a layer of foil to block signals from the RFID chip in your identification card.

When was the first RFID chip invented?
January 23, 1973
The First RFID Patents
Mario W. Cardullo claims to have received the first U.S. patent for an active RFID tag with rewritable memory on January 23, 1973. That same year, Charles Walton, a California entrepreneur, received a patent for a passive transponder used to unlock a door without a key.

Is microchipping painful?
It is no more painful than a typical injection, although the needle is slightly larger than those used for injection. No surgery or anesthesia is required—a microchip can be implanted during a routine veterinary office visit. ... No, the microchip is not a GPS device and cannot track your animal if it gets lost.

An RFID (short-range radio frequency identification) implant can hold all the information we usually carry in our wallets. It can transmit our identity information as we walk through a security checkpoint, enable us to use public transport and make long lines at the supermarket checkout a thing of the past.

Medical Questions
The benefits of RFID in a medical setting are clear: With access to an individual's medical history, doctors can quickly reach intelligent decisions about medication and other treatments; and since the ID travels inside an individual, there's no risk of being mis-identified in the hospital. But, like all small implantable devices, if care isn't taken they can migrate within the body. And there's at least some question about the development of tumors in regions around implanted RFID tags, although the cases are too rare to be distinguished from the risk of cancers around any implanted item


 One of the main and most controversial issues with the RFID chip is that it poses as an invasion of privacy (Freeman, 2007). According to Freeman, “security and privacy experts agree any new technology is always one step ahead of their best efforts to secure it. Each new advance redefines security and personal privacy and requires new levels of technical expertise and legal protection” (Freeman, 2007). Because the technology is new and keeps improving, it is important to make sure that people’s right to privacy is still protected. Every time a chip passes a reader of radioactive frequency, information can be distributed from the chip (Freeman, 2007). This is dangerous because your information could potentially be getting into the wrong hands (Freeman, 2007). RFID chips are also located in consumer goods that you buy in the store. When you buy an item and it leaves the store and the chip isn’t deactivated, the item can still be tracked through the consumer which is an invasion of privacy (Freeman, 2007).

 Another issue raised is with the global position tracking through the chip. A school district in California tried to make students wear RFID chip badges (David, 2007). The school had to cancel their plan after the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU of Northern California intervened (David, 2007). “’Monitoring children with RFID tags is a very bad idea. It treats children like livestock or shipment pallets, thereby breaching their right to dignity and privacy they have as human beings,’ said Cedric Laurant, Policy Council with EPIC” (David, 2007). This shows how big of an invasion of privacy the RFID chip can be.

 One other issue with the chip is that there isn’t enough privacy protection pertaining to the new technology. The technology raises complex issues that society is not sure how to deal with yet (Freeman, 2007). Freeman describes RFID technology as similar to wiretapping in the sense of other people trying to gather information (2007). There is no permanent set of laws that pertain to the gathering of information through the RFID chip which is potentially dangerous to those who have chips implanted with a lot of information (Freeman, 2007).

 The people with the chip also lose depending on how you look at it. With having this chip embedded in you, you are putting yourself at risk for all of your personal information getting into the wrong hands. The chip is an invasion of privacy.
This petition had 91 supporters

AMY Salisbury started this petition to US Government, US Senate, US congress, US House, UNITED NATIONS
the UN AND USA are trying to implement a law that requires EVERYONE WORLDWIDE to be IMPLANTED with an RFID microchip. They're trying to make it out to be a "good" thing for us, stating that it will make life easier and also reduce crime because no one will be able to make a move or speak a word without the government knowing about it. However, this chip is just another method of government control and a step closer to a NEW WORLD ORDER! With this RFID chip, all of our money, information, medical history and EVERYTHING will be programmed into this chip. No more Social Security Cards, Birth Certificates, ID Cards/Driver's Licenses, credit/debit cards, bank accounts or ANYTHING. All of this information will be on the implanted RFID chip and the government will have the right to withdraw money from your RFID implant for money you "owe" them anytime they want, with or without your consent or knowledge. This will also enable the government to track you at any given moment, for any reason, with or without , again, your consent or knowledge. The RFID chip also has a microphone so that the government can drop in and listen to you anytime, anywhere, for any reason, and , you guessed it-with or without your consent or knowledge. And here's the best part-if you REFUSE to be implanted with the RFID chip, the government will deactivate your chip and you will have NOTHING! No SS #, NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE, NO MONEY, NO NOTHING. WITHOUT THE RFID CHIP, AS FAR AS THE GOVERNMENT IS CONCERNED, YOU DO NOT EXIST AND CANNOT BE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. Now, because they are trying to make this a worldwide requirement, you will not exist PERIOD! THERE WILL BE NO WHERE THAT YOU CAN GO. You will have no money, no place to live, no vehicle, no family-nothing. Now, I don't know about you, but to me, this does not sound like a "good" thing. PLEASE, reject this law. Protest against it. Let them know that we will NOT be tagged like animals and treated like property. If we don't stand up for our rights and freedom, no one will. We CANNOT just sit back and let this happen. Google "RFID chip" to research for yourself. They have already implanted the military and government officials with this chip, but theirs say that they're "untouchable", meaning that they cannot and will not be required to adhere to the same laws and policies that WE are required to and, thus, will not be shot or otherwise done away with because they refuse to comply. There's two sides to this fence. On one side you have the "government elitists" and military, and on the other side, there's us. The "retarded cattle", as they think of us. Personally, I don't want to be on either side. I want to be ON the fence, where we're all equal, free and respected. If you want the same and/or are opposed to this RFID chip, stand up and be heard. One person cannot change the world, but if we stand together, we will win! WE ARE ONE and as ONE, cannot be defeated.

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